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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Everyone needs one...

I just assembled mine a few days ago and can't wait to take it for a walk in the park this weekend.

Like a spider, crab and millipede morphed into an amphibious vehicle, this invention by Dutch artist Theo Jansen mesmerizes by its seemingly effortless movement.

Assembled from a snap-together kit, this gives the average person a hands-on experience of Theo Jansen's awe-inspiring wind-powered constructions. Here it is in my backyard. For once I'm glad it's concrete!

Purchase this model and see Jansen's other marvelous work here:


And check out this hack of the kit here - absolutely hilarious!


Hope you enjoyed this. 

– Keith



  1. This is so cool! And we loved watching the Hack too! thanks for posting Keith!

  2. My husband loves these kinds of things and I was just surfing and wondering what to get him for his birthday which is quickly approaching. Thanks muchness,Kieth! <3


  3. Gave me the willies at first! Gotta have one!

  4. It takes patience and a fairly steady hand to assemble. I did it in about an hour and a half. An engineering marvel, really.

  5. Simply magical. Thanks for posting Keith.

  6. OMG! I LOVE this - must have one of my own - thanks for posting xo Reva

  7. It's marvelous! Thanks for posting about it. I want to try one out.
